Thursday 10 September 2009

During Notice Period What to do Things to be done !!

Things To Do During Your Notice PeriodDear Gentle Man,
Whatever be the reason for your exit, you need to serve your notice period just like every other employee. Whether you are leaving the organisation voluntarily or have been asked to put down your papers, your last few days at the company will reflect your true self to your boss and colleagues as you are no longer trying to please them. Different employees have to serve different amount of periods depending upon their ranking and position. If you are a junior, you will have to serve a minimum span of one month and if you’re at a senior position, your period can range between three to six months. Instead of using this term as a relaxed downtime, you can do things to leave a striking last impression on your colleagues and superiors.Notice period is generally considered as one of the most important time of your career. No matter what the reason is, it is crucial that you walk out of your workplace gracefully when it’s time to leave. Take a look at Six things that you must keep in mind while cruising through your notice period:
Transition: It is always good to have a plan before you approach your boss. Despite the fact that you and your boss might have different approaches, it is always better to think about what might happen after you leave. It’s appreciative of your work ethics and principles.
Professionalism: You need to have a professional approach. Think twice before you speak. Never say things that you would regret in the future or might harm your career. Continue to maintain the same work ethics until you step out of your office for good. It is always better to leave on a good note.
Plan: Switching jobs is a major step in your career. It’s always good to have a plan before you move on from your current organization. This can help you handle stress in a better manner. Have a temporary plan for your finances, job requirements, commute, and other changes the new job might bring to your current lifestyle.
Resume: It’s always better to keep your resume updated. Also, remember to fill in details of different projects handled by you efficiently. During your notice period make time to pen down all your accomplishments in that organization that might be of your advantage in the corporate world.
Desk: Start clearing all your personal belongings from your desk. You don’t have to wait for the last day to carry the load of things.It’s always nice to clear your desk. This can help the other individual moving into your space can start fresh.

Certificate: Collect the Experience certificates/No Objection certificate(NOC) /Documents we have to get from our employer at the time of leaving.

Work permit : If your in Abroad check  all government related Violations, Remaining Fines prior to country Exit. Otherwise we will be suffer during the Emigration.  

Prepared & Collection By M.Ajmal Khan.

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