Tuesday 2 October 2018

EPC Certification Examination Q/A for Work Permit System ( NON ARAMCO, GAIL, MAADEN, NPC, KNPC,SABIC, ONGC)

Instruction: Read carefully the following questions, review all the multiple choices and encircle the letter of the best answer. Passing grade: (90%)

Total Marks 100
Part -A   Objective Type (25  X 1=25)
Part -B Match the Correct Answer (5  X 5= 25)
Part -C Describe the Answer (10  X 5= 50)

PART A   MARKS (25  X 1 = 25)

01. How long is a work permit issuer or receiver certificate valid? (Depends Company)
a.        90 days        b.        6 months     c.        2 years       d.        a year

02. During Hot work Flammable / Combustible/ Toxic materials to be removed and get clearance of___ Meter Radius.
a.       5M   b.      10M     c.       15M      d.       20M

03.    Rigger can work as a Flagman?

a.      True      b.      False

   04. A lift in which two cranes are used for Lifting is called Tandem Lifting.

a.      True 
b.      False

   05. Who should be the first organization to install locks and tags?
a.  Receiver    b. Maintenance   c.   Operations    d.  Powder distribution

   06.     Which three (3) things you should check before issuing a release permit
 a.       Safety harness, belt and glass
 b.       Wind direction, drainage and ignition source
 c.       Sewers, man way and air movers
 d.       Ignition source, gloves and safety shoes

   07. The normal percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is?
 a.      19.5 %    b.       21%    c.       22 %   d.       23.5%

    08. Who will conduct the Tool box talk?
a. The receiver   b. The issuer  c. The Safety Personal.  d.   The Job Supervisor.

     09.    The primary hazard in excavation work is
 a.       Falls    b.       Cave-ins     c.   Drowning   d.       Electrocution

     10. Pyrophoric is likely to spontaneously ignite in air
a.      True   b.      False  c.      Maybe

     11.    Personal protective equipment is the ________ defense against any unexpected  hazard.
a.       First  b.       Last    c.       Middle   d.       Only

      12. Declaration of an intention to inflict harm on another is called Threat.

    a.      True    b.      False         c.      Maybe        

13.       Why do we use the Work Permit System?
 a.       To renew certificates      b.       To log accidents  
 c.        To prevent accidents     d.       To monitor contractor working hours

14.    The safety of the work site is the sole responsibility of an issuer?
a.        True    b.       False
15. Who is designated representative at jobsite?
a.       The receiver  b. The issuer  c. The gas tester   d. The Permit Controller.

16.    Who should keep the work permit?
a.        Standby man   b.        Receiver    c.  Fire watch    d.  Issuer

17.    Who should point out all hazards and write the hazards on the work permit?
a.        Receiver     b.     Fire watch    c.      Issuer    d.       All above

18.    What Issuer & Receiver must not be checked during the Joint Inspection?.
a. Equipment condition   b. Attendance report   c. Safety devices    d. Gas tests

19. What must the issuer do with the permit after he stops work?
a.    Close, and then extend the permit  b.  Give his copy to the receiver
c.       Get a countersignature  d.       Write the reason on the permit

20. Why do Issuer go on the joint site inspection with Receiver ?
a.      The receiver to take gas tests    b.       To start the work
c.       To check the fire watch's certification   d.   To discuss hazard and risks.

21. _____ is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel.
a.       Oxygen b.       Heat    c.       Fire    d.       Fumes.

22. P.A.S.S. stands for Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the Fire, Squeeze the trigger &
    a. Sweep from side to side   b. Set the nozzle    c. Select the pressure. 

23. What is a fire triangle in Safety?
a.       Oxygen, Heat & Fuel                 b.    Heat and Fuel & Hydrogen         
c.        Fuel and Hydrogen & Heat         d.        None of the above

24. What are the important gases measures during perform the gas test?
a.       Flammable gas, inert gas, heavy gas
b.       Oxyacetylene, flash point, sulfides
c.       Flash point, vapor pressure, specific gravity
d.       Oxygen, flammable gas, toxic materials

25.       A fire is a chemical reaction that involves ____ elements.
      a. 4    b.1   c.3    d.6

26. For Hot Work Permit Need to Erecting or Dismantling the Scaffolding up to 37 M height (This height will be variable on local standards).
 a.      True      b.      False      c.       Maybe

27. Near-miss is an undesirable event which has the potential to cause loss?

a.      True     b.      False

28. What is oxygen deficiency?
a.       A lower than normal amount of oxygen
b.       A higher than normal level of hydrogen sulfide
c.       Too much oxygen       d.       Oxygen that is not pure

    29.         An excavation even deeper than 4 feet is not considered Confined Space as it is an open space and that there is no contaminant inside.
          a.True.                                False.                              Depend on the location.

29. What must the fire watch be?
   a.       As issuer   b.       Trained    c.       Certified    d.       A receiver

30. An O2 detector can measure the amount of oxygen and other gases in a confined space.
     a. True                                b. False                      c. Maybe.

     31.The fire watch should stay ____ minutes after the hot work has been completed to make sure that no smolders will ignite and cause fire.
 a.10 mins.    b.  20 mins.         c.   25 mins.          d.  30 mins.

32. What type of fire extinguisher is used to extinguish Class-C fires (Electrical Fire)?
a.  Dry chemical powder   b.  Water    c. CO2 (carbon dioxide)   d.       Foam

33.    Confined space hazards include:        
a.       Engulfment by materials in the confined space
b.       Hazardous atmospheres such as oxygen deficiency or enrichment.
c.       Toxic or flammable contaminants.
d.       All of the above

      34.       When visibly checking the entrants, the attendant noticed that there is no movement of personnel inside a Confined Space, the attendant should:-

a.    Go inside.                  b. Call for help.         C.  Knock some more

35.     A fire watch can be assigned in two or more areas if:-
a. the areas are not visible from one another.
   b. the areas are adjacent to one another and can be seen in the event of       
   c. the locations are on separate levels of working platforms.

36.     A fire watch should be on his assigned area at the duration of the hot work he should not leave the area whenever there is an ongoing activity.
      a. Not sure         b.True.                          c. False.

      37. If the emergency alarm sounded and the emergency is outside and unrelated to  the Confined Space the entrants should stay inside and wait for emergency to  pass
          a. Yes                       b. Do not bother entrants
          c. They should exit and be made accountable.

      38. The safe range of oxygen (O2) for workers to work inside a    Confined Space is;
          a.  Depends on Company       b. 19.5% - 23%   c. 18.5% - 25%
       39. Which of the following do not describe a Confined Space? -
            a. Has limited or restricted means of entry or exit;
            b. Is not designed for continuous human occupancy.
            c. place where workers can go inside work, sleep, eat and work again as
                they please.

  40.  No elements involved  Risk is probability of a specified outcome of   harm, Loss or damage being by the Hazard
      a.      True     b.      False     c.       Maybe
       41.      Which of the following is not an example of a confined space? :-
            a. Water tank      b. Bulk diesel tank     c. Manholes   d. Roof slab

42.       The Fire Watch can work on another job as long as he will return to the area when he finished the job.
           a. Yes, he can.    b. sometimes.. No. He should be is a dedicated fire watch

 43.      Which of the following is wrong in the distribution of fire extinguishers;
a.Visible from all directions
b.Easily accessible (within immediate reach)
c.Near normal path or travel (entrance / exit ways)
d.Installed on an 'area-by-area' or 'floor-by-floor' basis
e.Hidden from sight and covered with obstruction

44. If the emergency alarm sounded and the area is not going to be affected, the crew doing hot works
     a. should continue working.         b. Depends on the emergency.       
     c. should be alerted and go to assembly point.

45. All confined spaces must be posted with signboards translated in local language.
a. True                              b. False                      c. Maybe                    d. None of the above.

46. Once the fire is extinguished, the fire watch can leave the area immediately so he can rest.
 a. False                      b. True.                         C. Depends on body condition

47. Access required between the open trench above 1.2 Meter Depth.( Depend on client)
a.  5 M           b.7.5 M           c.10M     d.15M

48). What is content in the cylinder of an SCBA ?
     a.  Nitrogen      b.  Air       c.  Oxygen       d.  CO2

49).  MSDS of an Hazardous Material used on site must be available in.
     a.  Clinic      b.  Work Site Location       c.   Storage Area      d.   All of the Above.

50. A fire watch is assigned for?
      a.       Any hot work    b.  High risk jobs    c.   Whenever a fire can occur                                                                                                    d.      When gas test results are over 0.0% LEL

51. A Confined Space can be entered by if a valid PTW is obtained.
a.  am not sure                    Yes.                              No.   

52. Access  required between the open trench  below 1.2 Meter.( Depend on client)
a.  10 M                     b.20 M.           c.25M     d.30M

53. Hazard Recognition team shall be a
a.  Issuer & Safety        b. Supervisor & Issuer         c. Issuer & Receiver 

54. Work Permits shall be valid only for the job for which they are issued.

a.    True                b. False

55. after completion of the hot work operation where there is the potential for smoldering fires.

a.         True                b. False

56. The fire watch shall leave the job after completion of the hot work operation

a.    15 Min       b. 30 Min     c. 45 Min        d. 60 Min

57. Coiled welding cable shall be spread before use to avoid overheating and damage to insulation.

a.         True                b. False

58. Oxygen testing shall be conducted prior to entering a confined space or vessel.

a.         True                b. False

 59.When conducting the gas test prior to that Ventilation/purging shall be stopped. How long to allow gas concentration to equalize.
                  a.15 Min          b.30Min         c. 45 min        d. 60Min

60. When the gas meter indicates 10% or more of the LEL of flammable/combustible gas in any confined space
     a. All personnel shall immediately come out.
     b. To eliminate the source of the flammable material.
     c. Improvement of the air quality.
     d. All of the above.

61. For gas testing of confined spaces, the re-test frequency recommended in the permit.

     a.15 Min          b.30Min         c. 45 min        d. 60Min

62. How do you identify based on characteristics in confined space.
a. The space is large enough and configured to allow entry and performance of an assigned task.
b. The space has limited means of entry and/or exit.
c. The space is not normally intended for continuous human occupancy.
d. All of the above.

63. A mechanical device shall be available on-site for immediate use to retrieve personnel from vertical type confined spaces
a.     1.5 Meters             b. 2 Meter      c. 3 Meter   d. 5Meter

64. A welding or cutting  work shall not be permitted in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere.

a.         True                b. False

65. During hot work Gas cylinders used and kept inside the confined space.

      a.         True                b. False

66. If the excavations up to 1.2 (4 feet) meters deep, equipment and other heavy objects must be kept at least 2 meters.

a.         True                b. False

67. Excavated materials or mechanical equipment should not be placed within 1 meter of the edge of any excavation.

a.         True                b. False

68. For Overhead transmission lines rated 50 kilovolt (kV) or below, the minimum clearance between the lines and any part of the crane or load shall be 3 meters
 a.        True                b. False

 69. After completion of work, Work permits and associated certificates are closed and signed off by issuer before re-starting the equipment.

a.    True                b. False

 70. Electrically bonded and grounded to prevent the accumulation and discharge of static electricity.

      a.         True                b. False

72. Minimum two access entry points are mandatory for people entrants at any confined space. 

      a.         True                b. False

73. Fire watch & Standby Man are mandatory for all confined space entry permits.

      a.         True                b. False

 74. Fire watch  & Stand by man will wear the reflect vest is for all confined space entry permits.

a.    Rose & Orange  b. Blue & Green   c. Orange  & Green  d.  Green & Blue

75 Pneumatic tools connected by  an air Compressed to be used inside the confined space.

      a.         True                b. False

76. Gas Testing Equipment (All instruments) that are not operating or check the  DO NOT USE AFTER/CALIBRATION EXPIRY (Date) that is attached to the instrument.

      a.         True                b. False

77.If the dust obscure vision distance will be______ in  Hazard Atmosphere.

a.    1 Meter           b.        1.5 Meter       a.         2 Meter          d. 2 Meter 

   PART B   MARKS (5  X 5= 25)

1. Match the Following correct answer in Incident Classification
a. Class A – Medical Treatment (d)
b. Class B – Accident (c)
c. Class C – Near Miss (e)
d. Class D – Lost Time Injury (b)
e. Class E  -  Fatality (a)

2. Match the correct answer in Following Hierarchy control 
a. Elimination – People will be isolated from Hazard (c)
b. Substitution – To change the way to work and avoid from Hazard (d)
c. Engineering Control – To Provide the Workers to away from Hazard (e)
d. Administration Control – - Hazards to be replaced (b)
e. PPE -  Physically Hazards to be removed. (a)

3. Match the Following correct answer in hot works 
a. Fire   - Flying Sparks (d)
b. Fire Component– Chemical Chain reaction. (c)
c. Combustion –  Extinguisher(e)
d. Fire Hazard -- Pyrophoric(b)
e. Fire Occur -  Fuel, Heat and Oxygen (a)

4. Match the Following correct answer in Permit System 
a. Permit Exam   - Authorized person to stop the Job at site. (c)
b. Permit Receiver – Level 3 English (a)
c. Permit Issuer – 365 Days (e)
d. Permit Validity -- Understand the job to be performed (b)
e. Permit Receiver Validity - Half a day (d)

5. Match the Following correct answer in JSA System 
a. Hazard   - Existing possibility to Control. (d)
b. Risk – A change of better Job execution (e)
c. Threat – a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune (b)
d. Potential Hazard -- Source of Danger (a)
e. Mitigation Plan - A warning that something unpleasant is imminent (c)

6. Match the Following correct answer in Confined Space
a. Enrichment of Air   -   19.5 %. (c)
b. Wind Speed – Pyrophoric (d)
c. Deficiency of Air – 0 %(e)
d. Spontaneously ignite in air – 23.5 % (a)
e. LEL will be - Orange Vest (f)
f. Fire watch - Crane lifting (b)

7 . Match the Following correct answer in Classification Hazards with Examples.
a. Atmospheric Hazard  - Rotating Parts, Entanglement (d)
b. Physical Hazard   - Electrical Shocks/ Arcs/Flash, Defective Extension cords (e)
c.  Chemical Hazard.
- Bacteria, Virus, Algae, Snakes..(f)
d. Mechanical Hazard - Incompetent person  & Medically not fit(g)
e. Electrical Hazard  . - Noise, Vibration, Humidity, Slip, trip. Falling object (b)
f. Biological Hazard  - Corrosive, Carcinogen & Pyrophoric (c)
g. People Hazard  -- O2 Deficiency or enrichment, Toxic Materials. (a).

8. Match the Following correct answer in Permit Flow process
a. Permit Preparation   - PTW Controller (c)
b. Permit  Verification  – Monitoring by Issuer, Receiver, S.V & Safety Personnel  (d)
c. Permit  Issuance –   by  Issuer and Receiver(e)
d. Permit Posting / Performing - Receiver (a)
e. Permit Closeout - by Issuer (b)

9. Match the Following correct answer in NFPA Classification ratings order of Hazard severity

a. Red Color denotes - Health (b)
b.  Blue Color denotes - Special hazards (d)
c. Yellow  Color denotes -  Scale 4 indicate the level of hazard (e)
d. White Color denotes - Flammability (a)
e. Severe hazard - Reactivity (c)

10. Match the Following correct answer in  Excavation
a. Protective system –  3 M (e)
b. Sloping/Shoring required If above  - 1  Meter (d)
c. Gas testing Required If above -  7.5 M (f)
d. Clearance from excavation edge is-   1.2 M (b)
e. Critical confined space is above – 30 M (g)
f.  Access is required if 1.2 meters above – Cave-ins (a)
g.  Access is required if 1.2 meters below – 1.2 M(c)

11. Match the Following correct answer in Electrical
a.  Each 1 Kv Transmission Clearance is -  24 V (c)
b. 110 V allowed Confine Space if connected – Rack out (e)
c. Confine Space allowed – prevent arcing of static electricity (f)
d. Equipment Tag -  4" (a)
e. LOTO - GFCI(b)
      f. Bonding electrical is – Logbook (d)

12. Match the Following correct answer in Working at Height.
a. Life Line    - 25 miles per hour (d)
b. Scaffolding in Confined space- Fall Arrest System (c)
c. Full body Harness – every 1.54 meter (e)
d. Stop wind speed higher than -   54000  pounds/person (a)
e. scaffolding access ladder Tag - Metal Blanks  (b)

13.  What is condition to comply the supplying respirator shall be continuously an atmosphere.
a. Oxygen Concentration is   - 10 to 100  PPM (d)
b.  Flammable Mixtures  shall-    20% (a)
c.  CO  Concentration  is  – Below IDLH level (e)
d.  H2S  Concentration   is -   5  to 50 % of LEL (b)
e. Toxic Gas  Concentration is  - 35 to 1200  PPM (c)

 (10  X 5= 50)

1. What are Formal  Job Hazard Analysis and Hazard Recognition? 
Job safety analysis is the step by step analysis of a job to determine the safe working procedures done by
it includes the following steps.
a.) Watch the job being done
b.) Break the job down into steps
c.) Described the hazards in each step of task
d.) Identity the desired controls measures of Potential   Hazards and
e.) Implement these counter measures of Mitigation plan to execute the job.

2. What are the Hazards in a Confined Space?
Oxygen Deficiency or Enrichment, presence of toxic or flammable gases, chemical hazards, fire hazards
Fall of materials, fall hazards, electrocution, dust, sounds, heat or cold caught in between moving Equipment’s engulfment etc

3. What are the examples of Confined Space?
a) Pits & sewers
b) Vessels & silos.
c) Boilers, Furnace & Reactor
d) Tanks & Pipes.
e) Deep Excavations.

4. What is Toolbox Talks?
Awareness about work situation to the employee is called toolbox talk. A development of safety briefings and deal with special issues at the workplace.

5. Clarify the types of work permit with Certificates?
a. Work Permits
i ) Hot work Permit
ii) Cold Work Permit
iii) Confined Space Entry permit
iv) Electrical Work permit
v) Radiography Permit
b. Certificates
i) Excavation
ii) Vehicle Movement Certificate.
iii)  LOTO & Equipment Isolation Certificate.
iv) Lifting Certificate.

6, Describe the flow process points of Permit to work
a.) Start Permit Preparation ( Data’s / All required  Information filled on form  by Receiver/ Issuer)

b.) Verification   (After Joint Inspection and Certification attachment to be verified by Receiver/ Issuer)

d.) Issuance (All attached documents with Certification to be confirmed by PTW controller/ Safety Personal)

e.) Implement / Posting/ Performing (To place the permit on work place and  Start and monitor the Job).
f) Revalidation\ Closeout (If need to continue the job to verify the site condition and extension or close the permit)
g) End Record management (After job closeout permit with original will be signed by Receiver/ Issuer to be filed)

7.What is TLV and Measurements in Toxic Materials?
Threshold Limit Valve (TLV) is an allowable value of toxic materials. This TLV TW8 value for
 Benzene is 0.5PPM,
 EDC is 10PPM &
 EO ( Ethylene Oxide )is 1 PPM

8. Abbreviation use for safety?
MEEPS- Material Environment Equipment People System.                                            OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
HLVI- Higher Learning Value incidents
ELCB - Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
GFCI - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (1/40 SECONDS)
LFI- Learn From Incident

SWL - Safe Working Load ( 75% of Capacity)
ANSI - American National Standard Institute
LTI - Lost Time Incident
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
TWA - Time Wated Average
STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit
ERP - Emergency Response Plan

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Material
JSA - Job Safety Analysis
LEL - Lower Explosive Limit
UEL - Upper Explosive Limit
PEL - Permissible Explosive Limit

REL - Recommended Exposure Limit
IDLH- Individual Danger Life Health
SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
RSO - Radiation Safety Officer / Radiographer  Safety Office( SABIC)
NFPA - National Fire Protection

9. What are the factors affecting safe lifting Operations ?
It’s important that personnel involved in lifting operation are aware of the following 5M factors.
a.   Machine : Selection of appropriate lifting equipment for the job as well as the integrity of the equipment to perform the job.
b.   Material : of the load that is intended to be lifted.
c.   Medium : The environment in which the lifting operation is to be carried out and includes the setting up and stability of the equipment.
d.   Man : The competency, R & R of Personnel involved in the lifting operation.
e.   Method : The planning and Procedure to be adopted for the lifting Operation.

10 . What are the examples of Hot Works?
 Gas/Flame cutting, Welding, Grinding, Brazing, Soldering & abrasive blasting.

11.  What are the Responsibilities of Permit Receiver?
 a)Understand the job to be performed

 b)Compliance with the requirements and precautions stated in the work permit

 C)Conduct the site inspection with  issuer

 d) Responsible for the work and work crew

 e) Communicate any change in the work or work condition with issuer

12. What are the Responsibilities of Permit Issuer?
a.) All the work permit sections are filled properly, correctly, accurately.

 b)Ensure that the area or equipment’s are prepared, and safe to perform the work

c ) Job site inspection with the receiver

d ) Identify the hazard from activity, the Surrounding area

 d)Verify the JSA and permit attachments and competency of workers

13. Describe the different types of hazard controls?

Hazard Control
Remove a hazard from the workplace
Changing a production process so that a chemical known to cause cancer is no longer used
Replace a hazard with something less hazardous
Changing a formula so that instead of working with a highly explosive fluid, workers work with a fluid that’s less explosive
Engineering Control(s)
Design a solution that controls the hazard at its source (requires a physical change at the workplace)
Encasing a noisy machine inside a sound-proof barrier
Safe Work Practice(s)
Develop specific rules and procedures for all workers to follow when working in the presence of or potentially exposed to a hazard
Placing warning labels on hazardous chemicals
Administrative Control(s)
Developing other work practices to protect workers from hazards
Limiting the amount of time workers can work in a noisy area
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Protective clothing or equipment that protects a worker from a hazard
Providing hearing protection to people who work in a noisy area

14. Describe the Classification Hazards to preparing JSA?
a.) Atmospheric Hazard  Ex- O2 Deficiency or enrichment, Toxic Materials.
b.) Physical Hazard   Ex- Noise, Vibration, Humidity, Slip, trip. Falling object
c.) Chemical Hazard Ex- Corrosive, Carcinogen & Pyrophoric.
d.) Mechanical Hazard Ex- Rotating Parts, Entanglement
Electrical Hazard  Ex- Electrical Shocks/ Arcs/Flash, Defective Extension cords.
f.)  Biological Hazard  Ex- Bacteria, Virus, Algae, Snakes..
g.) People Hazard  Ex- Incompetent person  & Medically not fit.

15. What is the Hierarchy of controls?

                It’s important to work through a logical progression when you’re considering controls for a hazard. That logical progression, from first to last, is represented by the hierarchy of controls.
Hierarchy of controls க்கான à®ÂªÃ ®Ÿ முடிà®ÂµÃ ¯

16.  Describe the examples of  Engineering control of Hazards?
Engineering controls are methods that are built into the design of a plant, equipment or process to minimize the hazard. The basic types of engineering controls are:
Process control. (Process control involves changing the way a job activity or process is done to reduce the risk).
Enclosure and/or isolation of emission source. (These methods aim to keep the chemical "in" and the worker "out" (or vice versa).An enclosure keeps a selected hazard "physically" away from the worker).
Ventilation. (Ventilation is a method of control that strategically "adds" and "removes" air in the work environment).
.  Noise Exposure, . Flying debris Hazards, .Respiratory Hazard.

17.  What are the examples of Administrative control of Hazards?
 Administrative controls limit workers' exposures by scheduling shorter work times in contaminant areas or by implementing other "rules".
Work Practices , Education & Training, Good House Keeping.
When necessary, methods of administrative control include:
•Restricting access to a work area.
•Restricting the task to only those competent or qualified to perform the work.
•Scheduling maintenance and other high exposure operations for times when few workers are present (such as evenings, weekends).
•Using job-rotation schedules that limit the amount of time an individual worker is exposed to a substance.

18. What is the Role & Responsibilities of Fire Watch Man? 
Responsibilities of a fire watch:
a.    His primary job shall be a prevention of fire.
b.     If hazardous conditions arise, he shall be Proactive to prevent fire to operate fire extinguishers, Hydrants, Fixed monitors, and hose carts at any time.
c.    Constantly watch out for fire hazards in the workplace while work is performed by other employees.
d.     Cover the nearby openings and work area will be covered by fire blankets.
e.     Maintain the conditions and requirements stated on the safety permit.
f.    Keep 15 M Radius clearances of all flammable & combustible materials from the ignition source.
g.    He shall be familiar with the area and potential hazards and know how to obtain assistance in emergencies.
h.     Stop the hot work if you find any fire or hazardous condition. Inform to Superiors (SV/Operation)
i. In the event of a fire, extinguish it immediately or turn on a fire alarm on.
j. If available near, Call Emergency Telephone or the emergency alarm number

   19. What are the Responsibilities of Flag Man?
    a) Escort the Vehicle to the plant area

     b) After job completed, escort the vehicle to staging area

    c) Close all road barricade.

17. What is Hazard?
A source of danger.
 i.e Something \Condition\ case that can potentially to cause harm, loss or Damage( People, assets, environment, reputation).

20. What is Formal JSA ?
Formal JSA is not same like JSA, it is technique focused on a job task as a way to identify the hazards before they occur. Basically all critical job activities like Critical lifting, Confined Space entry, Hot Tapping, Hydro jetting & Repair on Live pipelines.
A special team will be making this Formal JSA. Following category professionals will be engaged as follows.
Area Owner Manager,
Technical / Maintenance Manager,
EHS Dept Manager/ Engineer.
The expert from Maintenance or Technical Supervisor,
Contractor Representative (If need)

21.  Explain precautions to be taken before starting a Crane lifting activity?
Check Work permit with Lifting Certificate.
Operator/Rigger shall have Licensed/certified.
Barricade the swing radius of the crane.
Crane set up on the level and compacted ground outrigger fully extended and on pads.
Crane inspection sticker is valid.  Daily inspection checks by the operator.
Rigging equipment is inspected and certified by competent persons.
Operators’ cabin is clear of obstructions.
Crane, hook blocks, rigging gears have the SWL displayed on it.  
Operator’s cabin has the Load chart displayed.

22.  Explain purpose of work permit is ensuring to the Job activity?
a. The job requiring permits are in plan.
b. Equipment is prepared.
c. Personnel are informed of hazards and procedures.
d. precaution are taken.
e. work is executed safely.
f. Minimum required permits or certificates such as Lockout/ tag out, gas testing, Hot work control, Confined Space entry, Hot Tapping, Excavation and line opening for carrying out maintenance work in place.

23. What are the steps to preparing Formal JHA
Step 1 : Break down the job activities into sequence steps.( Basic/Multiple steps).
Step 2 : Identify the hazard from activity, the Surrounding area , Tools and Equipment. (MEEPS- Material Environment Equipment People System)
Step 3  : Conduct RA  for each Hazards.
Step 4 :   Recommend risk control measure  to overcome identified hazards.
Step 5 : List down responsible persons for each activities recommendation in 4th column of JSA.
Step 6:  Ensure JSA recommendations are implemented during site preparation and performing the work as applicable.
Step 7 : Review the  Formal Job  safety Analysis with Proper approval.   

24 . What are the examples of Cold Works?
      Scaffolding Erection or Dismantling, Manual excavation upto1.2M Depth, Drainage works, Regular maintenance works like housekeeping, replacing electrical Lamps.

25. Which conditions Permits will be canceled at site?
a. Failure to commence work within two hours of being issued, or if there is an interruption of work.
b. If the conditions on the permit are not complied with.
c. If area or unit conditions change, e.g., venting, liquid hydrocarbon spillage.
d. If the plant or unit fire/emergency alarm is sounded.

26. What are the Role & Responsibilities of Standby Person / Attendant for Confined Space Entry ?
At least one confined space Standby Person/Attendant shall be continuously present for confined space entry.
He should have communication / alert equipment to seek assistance in case help for rescue is needed.
Supplied-air or self-contained breathing apparatus, air horn or any other type emergency horn and appropriate rescue gears shall be available for immediate use.
The Standby Person/Attendant shall not be assigned with any other duties while acting in the capacity of Standby Person/Attendant, nor shall they leave their post at the opening to the confined space while workers are still inside.
The Standby Person shall not enter a confined space for a rescue attempt without notifying another person who can offer assistance and summon additional help.

27. What  are  Gas Testing requirements  inside the  Confined Space ?
Gas Testing of the atmosphere of confined space
a.    The authorized gas tester shall conducting the gas test shall n by using only Calibrated Instruments.
b.    Different toxic substance produces different health effects at different concentrations.
Test shall be conduct gas test to ensure following items.
1. Flammable conditions do not exist
2.Employee sare not exposed to harmful concentration of toxic substance  or oxygen deficiency or enriched atmosphere.
3.       Toxic  and combustible  gases shall be within safe limit  is Threshold Limit Valve (TLV TWA-8).)
i. Gases are heavier than air and tend to settle at the bottom and some which are lighter, will rise to the top
ii. Ventilation/purging shall be stopped at least15 minutes, or based on risk assessment, prior to conducting the gas tests, to allow gas concentration to equalize.
iii. Oxygen testing shall be conducted prior to entering a confined space or vessel.
iv. Testing purposes unless the results across the cross section (top, middle and bottom sections) indicate that the oxygen level is 20.8 %.
v. If the percentage reading is less than 20.8%, action shall be taken to ascertain the nature of the other gas. If it is inert gas then the oxygen content shall be raised by purging with air.
vi. The person shall enter only after wearing supplied air respirator or Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) with a stand by man outside the confined space.
viii. Perform gas tests throughout Confined Space.. Test shall be conducted considering the task to be carried out.

1. Oxygen.
2. Flammable gases and vapors.
3. Potential toxic air contaminants.
d. All tests results shall be recorded on the Confined Space Entry Permit. This includes initial test and all subsequent tests.

28. What is Shield for Protect Radiography Rays?
A barrier that protects worker from harmful radiations released by
Radioactive material.
 Lead bricks, dense concrete, water and earth are examples of materials used for shielding.

29. What is the procedure to follow in Lockout/ Tag out?
A lockout/tag out procedure should include the following six steps:
1. Preparation
2. Shutdown
3. Isolation
4. Lockout/ tag out
5. Stored energy check
6. Isolation verification

30. What is the caution to be taken prior to Radiography works?
a. To wear Dose Meter
b. To keep the distance from the job site.
c. To announce the job and keep the time on schedule.
d. To train the people .
e. To  provide  barricade with singes on English and Local Languages.
f. To protect  with shield of Lead bricks, dense concrete.
g. During  Radiography RSO will be present.

31. Prepare any hot work JSA with Certificate in Hot work Permit Form.

Prepare work area and material arrangement for the job.
·     Untrained crew
·     Tools and equipment failure
·     Slips, Trips and Fall Hazards

·   All personnel shall be undergone for Contractor Safety induction and required necessary training prior to enter areas
·   All employees shall be aware of the emergency evacuation plan and also shall be familiar that how to react in an emergency. Location of assembly point areas and emergency number.
·   Specific work permit shall be obtained prior to start the activity.
·   Before commencing job, JHA shall be communicated to all involve person and available at worksite with other required documents.
·   All workers shall wear appropriate P.P.E as per the recommendation of HSE department according to the hazards.
·   All tools and material shall be in good condition and shall be color coded. Found damage shall be mark “do not use” and shall be remove from site.
·   Only skilled workers shall perform the activity.
·   All access ways shall be properly identify and maintained in good condition
·   SSA shall allocate dedicated person to conduct regular housekeeping in each designated location.
·   All tools and materials shall be kept in approved designated storage area.
·   Proper cable management shall be implemented.
Task Supervisor/ PTWR 
Setting up and connecting of test manifold, nitrogen cylinder, hoses to  pipe system
·     Tools are inappropriate, defective, and fabricated
·     Hoses obstructing access ways
·   Ensure that all hand tools are properly inspected with current monthly color code.
·   Supervisor shall ensure that all tools are in the standard prior to its use. Fabricated tools are not allowed to be used.
·   All workers shall wear the appropriate PPE at all times.
·   Access to the work locations shall be clear and free from any obstruction.
·   Manifold must accordance in client pressure testing standards and requirements and obtained valid testing certificate.
·   Manifold should be mark with testing pressure capacity, indemnification number and other details
Task supervisor
Line pressurizing
·     Loose /not properly tightened connections
·     Un-calibrated test manifold and gauges
·     Unavailability of whip lash installed on hoses connections
·     Nitrogen leak
·   Supervisors shall ensure that all connection is properly tightened.
·   Work notification shall be convey to all affected and responsible departments.
·   All affected area will be provided with barricade and appropriate, safe distance shall be in accordance with LLOYDS’s Registry Standards.
·   Pressurization shall be stop immediately and pressure shall be gradually reduced to zero gauge reading in case of pipe failure. Nitrogen cylinder valve shall also be immediately turned off
·   Pressurization shall be immediately cancelled when a leak is detected.
·   Workers shall immediately vacate the area when leak is observed.
·   Only approved and calibrated gauges shall be used for the test. Calibration shall be done within one month of the test and the ranges shall be 30 to 80% of the gauge’s full range.
·   There shall one pressure gauge installed on both the manifold and system under test.
·   Test manifold shall be tested separately to 1.2 times of actual test pressure. Valid 3rd party certificate shall be attached with the test package.
·   Relief valves shall be tested, dated, and tagged within 1 week prior the testing
·   All hoses connection shall be tight and secured by whiplash arrestor
·   Rated capacity of hose shall be more than the test pressure
·   Testing crew shall obtain required training for pressure testing.
·   There shall be a person dedicated to monitor the pressurization progress
·   Holding pressure shall be as per the test procedure approved by Client
·   A person shall be assign to operate the outlet valve of the nitrogen cylinder.
·   All workforces shall be aware on potential hazards in exposed of nitrogen such as frostbite and displacement of oxygen amount.
Task supervisor
Leak Checking
·     Unauthorized personnel
·   Trained and authorized crews only are allowed to do the leak inspection.
·   Observation to be made away from the joints. At any cost do not stand in front of the end joint.
·   If any leak observed, immediately reduce the pressure to zero.
·   Reduce the pressure to design pressure before start the leak checking
Task supervisor
·     Untimely release of pressure
·   Open the vent valve slowly until the pressure was reduced.
·   Coordinate with the other worker. Give notice prior the release of pressure
·   Task supervisor to ensure no person in line of fire at vent area.
Task supervisor

Prepared By M.Ajmal Khan

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