Wednesday 11 January 2012

Salat (Prayers).....

There are five mandatory prayers (Salat) in Islam. The Allah's messenger said that who establishes and offers these five prayers he /she actually establishes the DEEN (Islamic way of life) and anyone who does not offer these five prayers on time he/she destroys the DEEN (Islamic way of life). These five prayers are mandatory made by Allah in Qur'an and the tradition of the messenger of Allah is clear proof of this. No one has the right to increase or decrease the number these mandatory prayers. In another Hadith Allah's messenger said that these five mandatory prayers distinguishes a believer from a non-believer. These five prayers are Identity of a Muslim and lets make sure we don't loose it.

What's in it for me?
These five prayers have many benefits. Some of them are as follows.

  • Keeps you out of trouble. (INNAS SALATA TANHA A'NIL FAHSHA-E-WAL MUNKAR). If one prays five times a day with sincerity (AKHLAS) and only for Allah (not for show-off), it is very unlikely for that person to get involve in;
    • Adultery, rape, murder, family abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, authority abuse, nudity etc.
    • Alcohol, drugs, robbery, theft, etc.
    • Stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, suicidal, destruction etc.
In short, a peaceful life with positive mind and full of joys becomes a reality. Only one condition, try to perform these five prayers on time consistently. Result is guaranteed. Allah says (LA TABDILAH LI KALIMATILLAH); Allah does not change his words. He keeps his promise. Allah said that if one performs the Salat (prayers) with sincerity and only to worship him (no show off) then the person will not get involve in FAHISHA AND MUNKAR- the above three bullet items. There are five types of Salat, Fardh (a minimum must), Waajib (a must), Sunnah Al Moakkidah (very strongly recommended), Sunnah Ghair Moakkidah (recommended) and Nafl (optional). We will discuss these five types of Salat later.

Stay out of trouble by maintaining your Salat (prayers) on time
The names and the timings of these prayers are; Fajr Salat (Morning Prayer): Its time starts after dawn and ends before sunrise. Roughly, one and a half-hour before sunrise is the duration when we can pray Fajr Salat. Fajr Salat consists of two Raka'a of Sunnah Al Moakkidah and two Raka'a Fardh. Sunnah Salat should be performed before Fardh Salat. Zohar Salat (Noon prayer): Its time starts after the noontime (NIS-FUNNAHAR). Roughly, about 30-45 minutes after the noon time. In other words, when the shadow of an item becomes equal to the size of the item, the time for Zohar Salat starts. The time for Zohar Salat ends when the time for the next Salat (Asr) starts. Zohar Salat consist of four Raka'a Sunnah Al Moakkidah before Fardh Salat. Then four Raka'a Fardh Salat. After Fardh Salat two Raka'a Sunnah Al Moakkidah. Then two Nafl which are optional. Asr Salat (Afternoon prayer): Its time starts in the afternoon. In other words, when the shadow of an item becomes the twice the size of the item itself the time for Asr prayer starts. Asr prayer time ends before the sunset. Asr Salat consists of Four Sunnah Al Ghair Moakkidah and then four Raka'a Fardh. Maghrib Salat (Evening prayer): Its time starts right after sunset. Maghrib prayer should not be delayed and as soon as sun sets one should start the prayer. Maghrib Salat consist of three Raka'a Fardh then two Raka'a Sunnah Al Moakkidah and then two Nafl (optional). The time of Maghrib Salat ends before the start of Isha Salat. Isha Salat (Night prayer): Its time starts when the darkness of night spreads. Roughly, Isha Salat time starts after one and a half-hour from the sunset time. The time of Isha Salat ends by the midnight. Isha Salat consists of four Raka'a of Sunnah AlGhair Moakkidah then four Raka'a of Fardh Salat. After Fardh two Raka'a Sunnah Al Moakkidah then two Nafl (optional). Then three Raka'a of WITR (Waajib) Salat and then two Nafl (optional).

Important Notes:

Regarding WITR Salat, there is a difference of opinion among scholars. The three Raka'a of WITR one Niyah(intention) is based upon HANAFI Fiqqah. According to other scholars Witr Salat can be one, three, five, seven and nine Raka'a. Make sure that the Raka'a of WITR are in odd numbers. According to some scholars the recitation of Du'a Qanoot in WITR Salat is waajib (must) and some other scholar say it is not waajib. Regardless it is waajib or not all scholars are agreed that it is very good to recite Du'a Qanoot in WITR Salat.

Other Salat (prayers):

Salat Al Taraweeh: These are the Sunnah Al Moakkidah Salat, which is performed after Isha prayer or at late night before Salat Al Tahajjud. This Salat is performed only during the month of Ramadan. According to various Hadiths of Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah prayed this Salat in twenty Raka'a, in eight Raka'a and in thirteen Raka'a. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) prayed this Salat in Ramadan alone and some time he did not pray at all and the reason he did not pray some time, he said, if I continue praying this Salat AlTaraweeh every night I am afraid that Allah may make these prayers obligatory for all the Muslims. Because of his blessed and merciful (RAHMA TUL LIL ALAMEEN) nature, the messenger of Allah did not wanted to get these prayers obligatory for us.
The second Caliph of Islam Hazrat Omar Ibn Al Khattab started praying this Salat Al Taraweeh in Congregation (Jama'ah) and later Muslim scholars saw a great opportunity and felt a great reward from Allah to complete the recitation of the Holy Qur'an in Salat Al Taraweeh during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, throughout the history of Islam, Muslims pray Salat Al Taraweeh in Ramadan and try to recite complete Qur'an (KHATAM AL QURA'AN).

As far the question of how many Raka'a should we pray in Taraweeh? Its up-to the individual or a community of a particular area to decide how many Raka'a they wants to pray. In HANAFI Fiqqah, twenty Raka'a are recommended while other scholars have recommended eight Raka'a. Regardless of the number of Raka'a, it is important that we pray with firm belief in Allah and with sense of accountability (EIMAN WA EHTISAB). May Allah forgive our sins.

 Tahajjud: This is one of the most important optional (NAFL) prayer. Salat Al Tahajjud was Fardh on the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) but upon the Ummah it is only an optional prayer. This Salat is prayed late night before dawn in the morning. It can be prayed in any numbers depending upon person's ability and time. One can pray two, four, six, eight Raka'a etc. But it should be prayed in the form of two Raka'a. For example, after completing two Raka'a one should say salaam on both sides (adjourn the Salat) and for the next two Raka'a the person should start again and so on.
The time of Tahajjud is a very blessed time (early morning before dawn). Allah accepts all the supplications and prayers at this time. According to a Hadith of Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), Allah comes down on the first sky and looks towards the earth and says, is there anyone who ask me cure from diseases and I cure him. Is there anyone who ask me for forgiveness? and I forgive him etc.. If we can pray this Salat we should not miss the great opportunity.

Tahiyatul Masjid: This is a NAFL (optional) Salat. It is highly recommended. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to pray whenever he used to go in the Mosque (Masjid). This is like greeting the Mosque as soon as one enters into the Mosque. This is two Raka'a Salat and can be prayed anytime (except makrooh times) whenever we visit the Mosque.

Tahiyatul Wudhoo: This is a NAFL (optional) Salat. It is highly recommended. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to pray whenever he used to make ablution (WUDHOO). This is like greeting the Wudhoo. According to a Hadith of Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that when one performs Wudhoo and washes different parts of the body, the smaller sins (SAGHAER) get wash away with the water and the person get not only bodily cleaned but also spiritually cleaned. This is two Raka'a Salat and can be prayed anytime (except makrooh times) whenever we make Wudhoo.

Salat Al Awwabeen: This is six Raka'a Salat in the form of sets of two. This Salat is performed between Maghrib and Isha.

Salat Al Tasbeeh: This is a four Raka'a Salat and can be prayed in the form of sets of twos or one set of four. This is a special Salat in which the person has to recite KALIMAH AL TAMJEED in addition to the normally recited Surah's and KALIMATs in the Salat. For example; in standing (QAYAM) after the recitation of any Surah, 15 times Kalimah Al Tamjeed then in Rukoo 15 times, when standing from Rukoo 15 times, in first Sajdah 10 times, when sitting from the first Sajdah (QA'DAH) 10 times, in the second Sajdah 10 times. Make sure that the total becomes 75 per Raka'a and 300 for the entire Salat. Repaet the same in all four Raka'a.

Salat Al Istisqah: This is also a special prayer. It is offered to invoke Allah's blessings in the form of rain. It is offered in an open field but people can also pray in Mosques to ask Allah for rain. It is offered in congregations (JAMA'AH). It is two Raka'a Salat. The only difference in this Salat is that when people in congregation standup from Rukoo, they raise their hands and make Du'a for rain.

Nafl Salat: A Muslim can pray as many NAFL as he / she can. The achieve the state of Ehsan , one has to pray as many NAFL as he/she can.

Q 1: How many Nafl prayers are there and which are those ones?
A. "Nafl" (supererogatory) prayers are numerous which one can offer, as many as he likes, any time except for odious timings. Some of them, as examplified by the Holy Prophet and "Aaimah" (Muslim leaders) are: "Tahi-yatul Masjid" (prayer for the dignity of mosque), "Tahi-yatul Wudu" (prayer for the dignity of ablution), Salaatul Ishraaq, Salaatud Duha (Chasht), prayer for journey, prayer on return from journey, Salaatut Tahajjud, Salaatut Tasbih, Salaatul Haajat (prayer for fulfillment of needs), Salaatul Awwaabeen, Salaatul Ghousiyah, Salaatut Tauba (prayer of repentance), "Salaat Hifzul Eimaan" (prayer for protection of Islamic faith) etc.

Q2: How many "Rakahs" are there in Tahi-yatul Masjid?
A. The one who enters the mosque for preaching or remembrance of Allah should offer two Rakahs of Tahi-yatul Masjid which is Sunnah, provided it is not odious time and if he enters the mosque with the intention to join congregation (Jama'at) or to offer obligatory prayer or he offers any prayer (Fard or Sunnat) immediately after entering the mosque then Tahi-yatul Masjid will be deemed to have been offered by him even though he did not intend to. And in case time is there i.e. he has to wait for the intended prayer then he should offer it.

Q 3: Which prayer is Tahi-yatul Wudu?
A. It is commendable to offer two Rakahs of Tahi-yatul Wudu before the washed parts of the body dry up after performance of ablution. The excellence of this prayer is proved by Hadees. However, offering obligatory prayer soon after ablution or bath will serve as its substitute. Offering two Rakahs prayer after "Ghusl" (bath) is also a commendable act.

Q 4: When and how many Rakahs of Salaatul Ishraaq are offered?
A. Ishraaq time begins when the sun is high in the morning after twenty minutes of sun-rise. Offering two or four Rakahs prayer this time is highly rewarding. A Hadees says that the one who sits and busies himself in remembrance of Allah after finishing Fajr prayer in Jama'at till he offers two Rakahs prayer after sunrise will earn reward of Hajj and Umrah.

Q 5: How many Rakahs are there in Salaatut Duha (Chasht) and which time it is offered?
A. Chasht prayer comprises at least two Rakahs and at the most twelve. Its time begins after sunrise and ends at meridian. It is better to offer Salaatul Duha (Chasht) when one-fourth of the day comes off. A Hadees says that (minor) sins of the one who is very particular about i.e. does not miss Chasht prayer will be forgiven him even if they are equal to the foam of a sea.

Q 6: How many Rakahs are offered for undertaking journey and on return?
A. One should offer two Rakahs at home to set off on a journey and on return (from journey) he should offer two Rakahs in mosque.

Q 7: What is the time of Tahajjud prayer and how many Rakahs thereof are offered?
A. One should go to bed after having offered 'Ishaa prayer (Fard) and then whenever he wakes up in the night before the dawn of Fajr is Tahajjud time for him. He should perform Wudu and offer at least two Rakahs. Eight Rakahs (of Tahajjud prayer) are Sunnat.

However, twelve Rakahs are in practice of"Mashaa-ikh" (saintly guides). One is at liberty to recite which Surah and verses he likes from the Holy Quran in this prayer. In case, the Holy Quran is not committed to one's memory then it is better for him to recite "Surah Ikhlaas" thrice in every Rakah which will earn him the reward of (equal to the) recitation of the whole Quran. The excellences of Tahajjud prayer have been delineated by Ahaadees. The face of the believer who offers this prayer extensively and regularly becomes more beautiful and bright. He will also be admitted into heavens without any reckoning.

Q 8: What is "Salaatul Laiel"?
A. The "Nafl" (supererogatory) prayer which is offered after 'Ishaa prayer is called Salaatul Laiel. Nawaafil (pi.of Nafl) offered in the night are better than those offered during day time. Tahajjud is a kind of Salaatul Laiel.
A Hadees in this respect says that the two Rakahs Nafl prayer which is offered after^ Witr prayer would substitute for Tahajjud if one could not wake up in the night.

Q 9: In which nights are keeping awake commendable?
A. Keeping awake in the nights of Eids, 15th Sha'baan and the first ten nights of Zil-Hijj is commendable. Keeping awake in the nights of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha is that one should offer 'Ishaa and Fajr prayers in Jama'at and rest content with it as keeping awake during night may cause him difficulties in the performance of Eid prayer and sacrifice otherwise it is highly rewarding to keep awake. To offer Nafl prayers by oneself, recite the Holy Quran, read or listen to Ahaadees, invoke Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet (Durood Shareef) or to do other remembrance in these nights serve the purpose of keeping awake. To keep awake without "Zikr-o-'Ebaadat" (remembrance of Allah and worship) is of no use.

Q10: When and how is Salaatut Tasbih offered?
A. Salaatul Tasbih can be offered any time except for odious times. It is better to offer this prayer before Zuhr prayer. This prayer is highly rewarding. Some Muslim scholars and researchers say that none but lethargic one will miss Salaatut Tasbih on knowing its excellences.
A Hadees stresses the importance of this prayer saying "offer Salaatut Tasbih daily if you could do, if not then once a week, if not then once a month, if not then once a year if it is not possible even, then at least once in lifetime.
We the followers of Hanafi creed offer Salaatul Tasbih as has been reported in "Tirmizi Shareef i.e. one should stand up for four Rakahs prayer as per the rules; say Allah-o-Akbar and fold the hands below his navel; recite "Sana" followed by this Tasbih i.e. "Subhaanal Laahi wal-Hamdu Lillaahi walaa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu wal-Laahu Akbar" (Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah. There is no deity but Allah. Allah is the Most Great) fifteen times and then recite "Ta'awuz", "Tasmiyah", "Surah Faateha" and any other Surah and then recite the same Tasbih ten times; perform "Rukoo" and recite the same Tasbih ten times after "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem"; rise from Rukoo reciting "Sami Allaahu Liman Hamedah" and "Allaa Humma Rabbanaa wa Lakal Hamd" and then recite the same Tasbih ten times; observe "Sajdah" and recite the same Tasbih after "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'laa"; rise from Sajdah and sit in "Jalsah" and recite the same Tasbih ten times; perform second Sajdah and recite the same Tasbih ten times after "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'laa" and then complete the remaining three Rakahs in the similar way. Thus, this Tasbih is recited 75 times in one Rakah and 300 times in all four Rakahs. It is better to recite Surah "Al-Takaasur" in the first Rakah after Surah Faateha, Surah "Al-Asr" in second, Surah "Al-Kaafiroon" in third and Surah "Al-Ikhlaas" in fourth Rakah.

Q11: How is "Salaatul Haajat" offered?
A. If one wants Allah Almighty to fulfill his need or to meet his want he should offer two or four Rakahs "Nafl" prayer after 'Ishaa prayer. He should, according to Hadees, recite "Ayatul Kursi" (throne verse) thrice after Surah Faateha in the first Rakah, Surah Al-Ikhlaas in second, Surah Al-Falaq in third and Surah Al-Naas in fourth Rakah, which is tantamount to offering four Rakahs in "Qadr" night and then "Du'aa" (supplication) for the fulfillment of his need. By the grace of Allah Almighty his Du'aa will be answered. "Mashaa-ikh" (religious leaders) say that they offered Salaatul Haajat and their needs were fulfilled.

Q12: Which prayer is Salaatul Awwaabeen?
A. Offering six Rakahs after obligatory prayer of Maghrib is commendable. This prayer is called Salaatul Awwaabeen. It is optional to offer it either with one Salaam or two Salaam or with three Salaam. But it is better to say Salaam after every two Rakahs. If all six Rakahs are offered jointly i.e. with one Salaam then the first two will be deemed "Sunnat-e-Muakkadah" and the rest four as Nafl. A Hadees says that the one who offers six Rakahs prayer after Maghrib prayer speaking nothing but what is good in between the two prayers, will earn reward equal to the worship of twelve years.

Q13: How is "Salaatul Ghousiyah" offered?
A. "Salaatul Asraar" is an effective prayer for the fulfillment of needs. This prayer has been related by Hadrat Saiey-yidina Ghous A'zam (may Allah be pleased with him) that is why it is regarded as Salaatul Ghousiya.

The method of offering this prayer is that one should, after having offered Sunnat of Maghrib prayer, offer two Rakahs Nafl in which he should better recite Surah Ikhlaas eleveen times after Surah Faateha in every Rakah and complete the prayer as per the rules. Then he should praise Allah Almighty, invoke Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet (Durood Shareef) eleven times and say "Yaa Rasoolal Laahi Yaa Nabiyal Laahi Aghisni wamdudni Fee Qadaa'i Haajati. Yaa Qaadiyal Haajaat" (O'Messenger of Allah! O'Prophet of Allah! come to my succour and help me in fulfilling my need. O'the fulfiller of all needs!) eleven times and then walk eleven steps towards (the direction of) Baghdad Shareef (Iraq) saying "Yaa Ghousas Saqalaieni wa yaa Kareemat Tarafaieni Aghisni wamdudni fee Qadaai Haajati. Yaa Qaadiyal Haajaat". Thereafter make Du'aa i.e. pray to Allah Almighty through His Beloved Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him).

Q14: What is Salaatut Tauba?
A. If one commits a sin (intentionally or unintentionally) he must hurry to offer prayer after performing ablution and do "Istighfaar" i.e. to repent and beg forgiveness of Allah and resolve not to repeat the sin.

Q15: When and how is prayer "for protection of Islamic faith" offered?
A. One should offer two Rakahs Salaat-o-Hifzul Eimaan (prayer for protection of Islamic faith) after Maghrib prayer reciting Surah Al-Ikhlaas seven times and Surah Al-Falaq once after Surah Faateha in the first Rakah and Surah Al-Ikhlaas seven times and Surah Al-Naas once after Surah Faateha in second Rakah and complete the prayer as per the rules. Then prostrate and recite this Du'aa: "Yaa Haie-yu Yaa Qaie-yumu Sabbitni 'Alal Eimaan" (O'Living! O'Eternal! keep me steadfast in Islamic faith).
Salat Al Janazah: This Salat is prayed upon a dead Muslim before his/her burial. This is Fardh Alal Kifayah Salat which means if some of the community members pray Salat Al Janazah it fulfils the community obligation but if non of the community members pray Salat Al Janazah on a dead Muslim before burial the entire community will be accounted for and the entire community will get the bad deeds (Saiyiah). Salat Al Janazah can be prayed at any time. It does not have Ruku'a and Sajdah.
The above number of Raka'a are mentioned based upon Hanafi Fiqqah (Jurisprudence). Some scholar do not consider all of the above Nafl (optional) Salat as a part of the Salat. According to them Nafl Salat can be performed at any time and in any numbers. Some of the scholars consider Sunnah Al Ghair Moakkidah as Nafl (optional) as well.

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