Saturday 11 April 2009

Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "A cure for every disease except death." about Black Seed !!

It is narrated by the hadith that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: 'Use the black seed because it has a relief of all diseases, but death.'

History of the Black Seed (kalonji)..
For over two thousand years the black seed, a plant from the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family, has been traditionally used by various cultures throughout the world as a natural remedy for several diseases and ailments and to improve health in general.

The ancient Egyptians knew and used the black seed and described it as a panacea (cure for problems and diseases). Tutankamun even had a bottle of the oil in his tomb!

The Romans also knew this seed and called it Greek Coriander and used it as a dietary supplement.

In the first century, the Greek physician Dioscoredes recorded that the black seed was taken to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache and intestinal worms.

In Bible..

The black seed is also mentioned in the Bible in Isiah 28:25-27 as the ‘fetches’. Ibn Senna, known in the West as Avicenna, who wrote the great medical treatise 'The Canon of Medicine', referred to the black seed as the seed ‘that stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue’.

What is Nigella Sativa (the black seed)?
Nigella Sativa originates from Western Asia and is an herb that grows about 16-24 inches in height and has white flowers when in bloom. The plant is now cultivated from the Near East to India. The deep black, sharp-cornered rectangular seeds (no longer than 3 mm) are the part of the plant that is used for the preparation of products. 

The black seed is cultivated in Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, Oman, Ethiopia, Middle East, Far East, India, Bangladesh, France, Germany and the Mediterranean Basin. It also grows wild in Egypt, Syria, Asiatic Turkey and the Balkan States.

Nigella Sativa is known commonly in Arabic as Habbat-UL-Baraka (blessed seed) and in English as Love in the Mist.

Since 1959, over 200 studies have been carried out at international universities and articles published in various journals have shown remarkable results supporting its traditional uses.

The Nigella Sativa seed itself contains numerous esters of structurally unusual unsaturated fatty acids and the chemical composition is very rich and diverse. Apart from its active ingredient, crystalline nigellone, it contains 15 amino acids (including eight of the nine essential ones), carbohydrates, fatty acids including linolenic and oleic, volatile oils, alkaloids and dietary fiber, as well as minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium and potassium.

Recent research on the black seed as an anti-biotic, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-bacterial, anti-bronchial and the immune boosting agent has shown great promise.

Black Seed - 'The Remedy For Everything But Death'Narrations for Black Seed..
Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that she heard the Messenger (saw) say, "This black seed is a cure for every disease except death. " [Saheeh al-Bukharee (5687)].

Khalid bin so'd (Ra) said, "We went out and with us was Ghalib bin Abjar (Ra). He fell sick along the way and when we came to al-Madinah, he was sick. Ibn Abu 'Atiq (Ra) came to visit him and said to us, 'You should use this black seed. Take five or seven (seeds) and grind them, then apply them to his nostrils with drops of olive oil on this side and on this side for Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated to them that she heard the Messenger (saw) say, "This black seed is a cure for every disease except death." [Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah (3449)].

Ibnul Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy upon him) said, "It has immense benefits and his statement that it is a cure for every disease except death is like the statement of Allah."

Black Seed..

Research has found that there is not another herb known to work with such a wide range of healing capabilities.Nigella Sativa are known by many names, for example, Black Seed or Black Cumin. Hobart UL barakah in Arabic countries (the Blessed Seed) due to the saying of the Holy Prophet (saw) and Hobart as-sawda. It is referred to as Schwarzkummel in Germany and Corek Otu in Turkey. It is often named Black Onion Seed because of its similarity to onion seed in appearance, but they share no relation to each other.

Warning Regarding Black Seed Oil..

Dear reader, please note the hadith makes no mention of the word oil. The Prophet (saw) never used black seed oil! This is an important distinction as many people today are selling the oil and quoting the hadith as if it refers to the oil, which is causing confusion amongst people. In the hadith the Prophet (saw) specifies a dose of 7 seeds in each nostril for infection gives us an indication of the dose and the fact it is the seeds and not the oil. We are trying to emphasize the hadith and its meaning.

Isn't the oil is just the same as the seeds as it contains the same active ingredients?

On the face of it, this may sound like a good argument, but apart from going against the hadith it is also a scientifically flawed argument. No one would compare eating olives to consuming olive oil, or the derivative of a product of the whole product. The fact that the product is derived should be enough for a person to understand something is missing. To make it even simpler to understand how about comparing eating whole coconut to coconut oil or even a whole fish to fish oil.

What does the hadith "In it is a cure for everything except death" mean?

There are a number of hadith pertaining to Black Seed and Hijama etc that state: "In it is a cure for everything except death." So why do these remedies not cure cancer, diabetes and all the illnesses in the world?
This is a common question for most people, but what we should know is that if something does not seem right in the Qur'an and Sunnah, it's not the Qur'an or Sunnah but usually our understanding of it. I would remind our readers to be careful when things are translated from Arabic to another language, in this case English and always try to return to the original Arabic to resolve any issues. In regards to these hadith the Prophet (saw) did not say "Al Shifa" rather the Arabic word 'Shifa' (cure) came without the definite article which means that it is an indefinite word that covers most cure. This means that the Black Seed contains a benefit that contributes to the cure of every disease. However, some people may misunderstand the translation and end up confusing themselves as well as others. From a medical point of view, these remedies contribute to the total cure - and not that they are the total cure themselves alone. For example Black Seed strengthens the immune system and so if the immune system is strengthened so will your body's resilience against disease. Similarly, Hijama removes chemical impurities from the body and if this is done on a regular basis as recommended in the Sunnah, then it greatly reduces the likelihood of diseases gaining a permanent hold in your body. So the correct understanding of the hadith is that these remedies contain a benefit that contribute to the cure (Shifa) of every disease.

So is Black Seed oil useless?

We would advise on balance there have been medical studies done using the oil and some scholars have indicated the use of the oil as part of specific remedies. So if one wants to use the oil form then they should follow the guidance from those studies as they have knowledge regarding the correct dosage of the conditions treated with the oil and can provide the statistics for the level of success. However the oil tends to be a very strong product and anyone who has tasted, it can attest that it has a sharp and bitter taste, and for many people the oil causes stomach upsets etc., so we advise it should not be consumed on a long term basis without a compelling medical basis for doing so.

Black Seed  in Medical..

For thousands of years, people around the world have recognized the tremendous healing properties of this Legendary Herb: "Nigella Sativa or Black Seed."

Another profound discovery is that the ingredients (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) of the oil lead to increased production of the messenger substance Prostaglandin E1, a hormone-like substance, that function as a general regulator on several body functions such as:
1. Brain function
2. Nerve function
3. Lowering blood pressure
4. Activation of the immune system.

Black Seed is Rich in Nutritional Values.
Black seed has a toasty aroma and contains phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrate, oil 28%. It contains anti-virus, bacteria, carotene, anti-cancer fighting material, and hormones which give strength and activity. AlsoMonosaccharides (Single Molecule Sugars) in the form of Glucose, Rhamnose, Xylose, and Arabinose are found in the Black Seed.

  1. The Black Seed contains a non-starch Polysaccharide component which is a useful source of dietary fiber. It is rich in fatty acids, particularly the unsaturated and essential fatty acids (Linoleic and Linoleic Acid). Essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body alone, and therefore we acquire these from food.
  2. Fifteen amino acids make up the protein content of the Black Seed, including eight of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized within our body in sufficient quantities and thus require from our diet.
  3. Black Seed contains Arginine which is essential for infant growth.
  4. Chemical analysis has further revealed that the Black Seed contains Carotene, which is converted by the liver into Vitamin A, the Vitamin known for its anticancer activity.
  5. The Black Seed is also a source of Calcium, Iron, Sodium, and Potassium. Required only in small amounts by the body, these elements' main function is to act as essential co-factors in various enzyme functions.
Black seed has a toasty aroma and contains phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrate, oil 28%. It contains anti-virus, bacteria, carotene, anti-cancer fighting material, and hormones which give strength and activity.

Immune System Strengthening

Studies begun just over a decade ago suggest that if used on an ongoing basis, Black Seed can play an important role to enhance human immunity, particularly in immuno compromise patients.
In 1986, Drs. El-Kadi and Kandil conducted a study with human volunteers to test the efficiency of Black Seed as a natural immune enhancer. The first group of volunteers received Black Seed capsules (1 gram twice daily) for four weeks and the second group were given a placebo. A complete lymphocyte count carried out in all volunteers before and four weeks after administration of Black Seed and the placebo revealed that the majority of subjects who took Black Seed displayed a 72% increase in helper to suppressor T-cells ratio, as well as an increase in natural killer cell functional activity. The control group who received the placebo experienced a net decline in ratio of 7%. They reported, "These findings may be of great practical significance since a natural immune enhancer like the Black Seed could play an important role in the treatment of Cancer, AIDS, and other disease conditions associated with Immune Deficiency states."

These results were confirmed by a study published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal in 1993 by Dr. Basil Ali and his colleagues from the College of Medicine at Kin Faisal University.
In the field of AIDS research specifically, tests carried out by Dr. Haq on human volunteers at the Department of Biological and Medical Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1997) showed that Black Seed enhanced the ratio between helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells by 55% with a 30% average enhancement of the natural killer (NK) cell activity.

Anti-Histamine Activity..

Histamine is a substance released by bodily tissues, sometimes creating allergic reactions and is associated with conditions such as Bronchial Asthma.
In 1960, scientists Badr-El-Din and Mahfouz found that dimer dithymoquinone isolated from Black Seed's volatile oil, under the name of "Nigellone," and given by mouth to some patients suffering from Bronchial Asthma, suppressed the symptoms of the condition in the majority of patients.
Following the results of this early study, Crystalline Nigellone was administered to children and adults in the treatment of Bronchial Asthma with effective results and no sign of toxicity. It was observed, however, that although effective, Crystalline Nigellone displayed a delayed reaction.
In 1993, Nirmal Chakravarty, M.D., conducted a study to see if this delay could be attributed to the possibility of Crystalline Nigellone being an inhibitory agent on Histamine. His hypothesis proved correct. Dr. The Chakravarty's study found that the actual mechanism behind the suppressive effect of Crystalline Nigellone on Histamine is that Crystalline Nigellone inhibits Protein Kinase C, a substance known to trigger the release of Histamine. In addition, his study showed that Crystalline Nigellone decreased the uptake of Calcium in mast cells, which also inhibits Histamine release.
The importance of these results is that people who suffer from Bronchial Asthma and other Allergic Diseases may benefit from taking Crystalline Nigellone.

Antitumor Principles

A study of Black Seed's potential anti-tumor principles by the Amala Research Center in Amala Nagar, Kerala (India) in 1991 lent further impetus to Dr. Chakravarty's suggestion for the possible use of Black Seed in the treatment of Cancer.
Using an active principle of fatty acids derived from Black Seed, studies with Swiss Albino Mice showed that this active principle could completely inhibit the development of a common type of cancer cells called Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC). A second common type of cancer cells, Dalton's lymphoma ascites (DLA) cells were also used. Mice which had received the EAC cells and Black Seed remained normal without any tumor formation, illustrating that the active principle was 100% effective in preventing EAC tumor development.
Results in mice who received DLA cells and Black Seed showed that the active principle had inhibited tumor development by 50% less compared to mice not given the active principle.
The study concluded, "It is evident that the active principle isolated from Nigella Sativa Seeds is a potent anti-tumor agent, and the constituent long chain fatty acid may be the main active component."


In 1989, a report appeared in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmacy about Anti-Fungal Properties of the volatile oil of Black Seed. 1992 saw researchers at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, conducting a study in which the antibacterial activity of the volatile oil of Black Seed was compared with five antibiotics: Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Cotrimoxazole, Gentamicin, and Nalidixic Acid.
The Black Seed Oil proved to be more effective against many strains of bacteria, including those known to be highly resistant to drugs: V. Cholera, E. Cole (a common infectious agent found in undercooked meats),  and all strains of Shigella spp., except  Shigella Dysentriae. Most strains of Shigella have been shown to rapidly become resistant to commonly used antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents.
In light of the above research findings, it is of interest that homeopaths have long been known to make a tincture from the Black Seed for digestive and bowel complaints. Traditionally, the Black Seed is still used to help relieve vomiting and diarrhea, as well as flatulent colic, and to help counteract the gripping action of purgatives (e.g. Certain laxatives, fruits such as apricots when over consumed).


As early as 1960, Professor El-Dakhakny reported that Black Seed Oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and that it could be useful for relieving the effects of Arthritis.
In 1995, a group of scientists at the Pharmacology Research Laboratories, Department of Pharmacy, Kings College, Lond, decided to test the effectiveness of the fixed Oil of Nigella Sativa and its derivative, thymoquinine, as an anti-inflammatory agent. Their study found that the oil inhibited eicosanoid generation and demonstrated anti-oxidant activity in cells.
The inhibition of Eicasanoid generation, however, was higher than could be expected from Thymoquinone alone. Their study suggested that other compounds within the oil might also be responsible for the enhanced anti-inflammatory reactions in cells.
The scientists speculated that the unusual C20:2 unsaturated fatty acids contained in Black Seed were possibly responsible for boosting the oil's effectiveness.
In 1997, studies conducted at the Microbiological Unit of the Research Center, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, found that externally in an ointment form, the anti-inflammatory activity of the Black Seed was found to be in the same range as that of other similar commercial products. The tests also demonstrated that the Black Seed is non-allergenic.

Promotes Lactation

A study by Agarwhal (1979) showed that Black Seed Oil increases the milk output of breastfeeding mothers. A literature search by the University of Potchefstroom (1989), including biological abstracts, revealed that Black Seed's capacity to increase the milk flow of nursing mothers could be attributed to a combination of lipid portion and hormonal structures found in the Black Seed.

Traditional uses of the Black Seed from around the world..

For centuries, the black seed and its oil have been used by people in Asia, Africa, the Middle and Far East to promote health and fight disease. It has been traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal complaints, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system support and to improve health in general. 

Black Seed - Summary of Actions:
  • Analgesic: Relieves or dampens sensation of pain.
  • Anthelmintic: (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) destroys and expels intestinal worms.
  • Antibacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation.
  • Antimicrobial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive microorganisms.
  • Antioxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidization of the body's cells - particularly useful against free radicals.
  • Antipyretic: (Also known as febrifuge) - exhibits a 'cooling action', useful in fever reduction.
  • Antispasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps.
  • Anti-tumor: Counteracts or prevents the formation of malignant tumours*
  • Carminative: Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines.
  • Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins.
  • Diuretic: Stimulates urination to relieve bloating and rid the body of any excess water.
  • Digestive: Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process.
  • Emmenagogue: Stimulates menstrual flow and activity.
  • Galactogogue: Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers.
  • Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure.
  • Immunomodulator: Suppresses or strengthens immune system activity as needed for optimum balance.
  • Laxative: Causes looseness or relaxation of the bowels.

Kalonji Oil Benefits:

There are many, many benefits of the black seed.Please find below some traditional Black Seed remedies that are used around the world: Here we will list some of them.

Asthma & Bronchial Problems (Far East, Middle East & Malay Peninsula)
Mix a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil in coffee. Taken twice daily. Also rub chest with Black Seed Oil every night and inhale the vapor of Black Seed Oil in hot water.

Backache & other kinds of rheumatism (Middle East & Malay Peninsula)
Mildly heat a small amount of Black Seed Oil and then stroke the rheumatic area intensely. A teaspoon of the oil should also be drunk three times daily. 

Diabetes (India)

Mix a cup of whole Black Seeds, a cup of watercress or mustard seeds, half a cup of pomegranate peel, and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture to powder. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture together with a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil daily before breakfast for one month.

Diarrhea (India & Middle East)
Mix a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil with a cup of yoghurt. Drinking the mixture twice a day until symptoms disappear.

Dry Cough (Middle East & North Africa)
A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil should be mixed in coffee and taken twice a day. Rub the chest and back with Black Seed Oil.

Flu & Nasal Congestion (General)

Placing three to four drops of Black Seed Oil in each nostril can relieve nasal congestion and head cold distress.

Hair graying (General)

Massaging the hair with Black Seed Oil regularly may prevent premature hair graying.

Hair Loss (India & Middle East)
Stroke the scalp thoroughly with lemon and leave for about 15 minutes, shampoo, wash and dry hair thoroughly. Then massage Black Seed Oil into the scalp. Drink a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil mixed in tea/coffee.

Hay Fever (Middle East)
One tablespoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with a glass of lemon should be taken twice daily until symptoms disappear.

Headaches (General)
Rub the forehead and the sides of the face near the ears with Black Seed Oil and bandage the head. Also a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil should be taken before breakfast.

Health Being (General)

To maintain good health take a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with one teaspoon of pure honey, twice daily.

Healthy Complexion (General)
Mix a tablespoon of Black Seed Oil with a tablespoon of olive oil. Rub the face with this mixture and leave it for at least one hour. Wash with soap and water.

Hypertension (India)
Mix any drink with a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil and also take two lobes of garlic every morning with breakfast. Rub all the body with Black Seed Oil and expose your body to sun rays for half an hour once every three days. Repeat for one month.

Mix the black seed with hot liquids you may drink, such as coffee, tea, etc.; and rub your body with the oil and have yaqeen.
Laziness and Fatigue (Turkey)Mix 10 drops of black seed oil with a glass of orange juice when waking up for 10 days. Important, do not sleep after Fajr Salat.

Memory Improvement (Middle East)
A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil mixed in 100mg of boiled mint for at least 15 days.
Boil mint and mix it with honey and 7 drops of black seed oil--drink while warm any time of the day. Also, stop drinking coffee and tea.

Muscular pains (General)
Massage the area with Black Seed Oil.

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Collection and Written by M. Ajmal Khan.
Nervous Tension, Stress (India)

A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil with a cup of tea/coffee to be taken three times daily.

Sexual Impotency (Europe & Middle East)

Mix 200g of ground Black Seeds with Olive Oil & l00g of ground olibanum & 50g of Black Seed Oil & 50g of olive oil & 200g of pure honey. Mix thoroughly and take a tablespoon after every meal.

Sleeping Disorder (General)
A tablespoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with honey in any hot drink in the evening.

Toothache & Gums (General)

First cook Black Seeds with vinegar. Add Black Seed Oil. Rinse the mouth with this formulation to help the gums and relieve toothache.

Ulcers (Indonesia & India)

Roast powdered Black Seeds over the fire. Mix them with oil of orris root, or the oil from the henna plant, or the oil of camphor plant making an ointment that is then spread over the festering rural ulcers. After lavation treat with vinegar.
Mix 10 drops of black seed oil with a cup of honey. Eat 1 spoon of this mixture daily, every morning, before you eat or drink anything else. Follow with a glass of milk. Do this for two months.
Dizziness and ear infection: 
                                           Use it as a drop for the ears, for 'infection'; and drink it in tea and rub under your cheek and at the back of your neck for dizziness.
Women and delivery: 
                               It is the best thing for helping with the pains of labor. Boil the black seed with honey and drink.
Skin diseases: 
                    Mix a unit of the black seed oil with a same unit of rose water and 2 units of brown flour. Before you use the mix rub the area with a cloth dipped in vinegar. Lightly apply the mix to the skin and then expose to the sun every day.
                                      Warm black seed oil and massage the oil into the painful areas. Also, make a drink of boiled black seed and mix with honey, drink before going to sleep; and have a lot of yakking (full-fat).
Chest pains and colds: 
                                    Add 1 tablespoon of the black seeds in boiling water and inhale the vapor and cover your head before you sleep.
                   Add a few drops of black seed oil to a hot cup of milk and add one teaspoon of honey. Also, eat a lot of lettuce.

Eye pain: rub the oil around the eyes before you sleep and mix a few drops of the oil with hot drinks.
Cancer: Rub the affected area with black seed oil. 3 times a day drink a mixture of a teaspoon of the oil with a glass of carrot juice. Do this for three months.

Prepared and Collection by M.Ajmal Khan.


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