A Sunday market is an excellent way to find New /Old goods and bargains. During my Collage weekends used to come into Pondichery Sister home. So My uncle Plantain Vendor shop also located on Barathi street. So I never miss an opportunity to go. This markets only available on Sundays in Pondichery. This held in the pathway of roads, and renters fill these smaller spaces to sell their items for a profit. Here are many such stalls all over M. G Road. Items are already being sold in cheap price and you may get it for even less if you know to bargain. You will find sarees, kurtas, girls dresses, boys and men's clothing, shoes, plates, cups, tablewares among many many other things. The market is open all day and you need to do lots of walking in the very crowded area.These are typically used items, so you can purchase these for a very affordable price. These prices are often not set; you can barter with the sellers to arrive at a reasonable compromise. In addition to these goods, you can typically buy foods and snacks such as nachos and ice cream. For tips on how to make the most of your trip to a flea market, rely on these suggestions.
General Tips
First of all, know the best times to be at a market. Go early in the evening to beat the crowd. It’s widely known that rain and adverse weather detract customers and decrease sales, so check your local weather forecast to attend at these times so you can get better deals. It also helps to visit the market just when it’s wrapping up. Chances are sellers want to give away certain items they could not sell. Remember these other tips as well. Browse the selection of goods to see if the styles appeal to you. If not, move on to the next space. Keep in mind that you should think outside the box; you never know what uses you could find for an old bowl or vintage decorative pieces. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, ask the seller to see what else he or she may have in stock. You may be in luck when they go searching in the back. Last, inspect the merchandise closely to see if there are any cracks or defects.
This takes a good amount of practice and skill to master. Stick to these pointers if you want to be successful. For one, don’t appear too eager. Looking interested detracts from your bargaining power and the seller will think he or she can get away with a higher price. Don’t pay too much attention to what’s on the sticker. Come up with your own price, and start low. The seller will keep trying to up the price, so a starting price that is half of what you’re willing to spend prevents the Rupees signs from racking up.
So anyhow, Are you ready to happy shopping at Sunday Market, but beware of from whom you buy. If you cannot inspect the item fully to your satisfaction, do not buy!
Written By M.Ajmal Khan.
Your article on buy traditional sareesis quite interesting and inspiring. Nowadays girls do not wear sarees that much but I believe after reading this article they are going to understand the value of traditional sarees. Great work.